There were lots of questions in Wednesday’s studio class on what the portfolio of blog posts should be and how much it should contain.
For one, your first post should document the exercise we did in last Thursday’s workshop, as you will need to come back to your biggest thing in your end of studio reflection.
Following this post, think of using your timeline as a guide to writing your blog posts. Every time you do one of your smaller things reflect on it by describing what you did, what you learnt through doing this and how this will lead you on to your next thing smaller thing. Treat last Thursday’s exercise as your guide which leads you to finishing your project.
Use your blog to document and reflect on the decisions you’ve made and any shifts in your project – what led you from one idea to another? You need to show that you’re thinking about your making and there shouldn’t be any complete changes in your project that aren’t justified.
Along the way find research which relates to what your doing, embed your media in your blog and include any screenshots of your progress.
Remember that your blogs are yours to think through what you’re doing and what you’re making – make them useful to you!