week 11 – some thing that came out of today’s consultations

It was great to see where your task four projects are up to today, where I think you’re all doing some really excellent explorations in noticing. The main thing for you to do is keep writing and reflecting on moments of discovery and shifts in the progression of your project for your portfolio of blog posts that is part of the assessment for task four.

So, a quick reminder, from the task four submission guidelines that you must submit:

A portfolio of blog posts from weeks 9-13 which include documentation of your project, including, although not limited to; recipes, media, tests and sketches, and reflections on studio discussions, readings, and feedback received. The amount of blog posts will be decided by you in response to the feedback you received for Task One, Two and Three.

So, as we are two to three weeks into this task, there should be lots of thinking documented on your blog, where responding to feedback received today and in next Thursdays workshop should make up posts in your portfolio.

Some other things to reflect on that came out of today’s consultations are thinking about:

  • What does the work you’re creating allow you to notice?
  • Why does noticing these things matter?
  • How are you going to allow an audience to notice unseen things through the form your work takes?
  • How does the wide shot and the extreme closeup allow you to see unseen qualities?
  • How much are you controlling what is noticed through the technologies you are using?

Another thing that came up regarded thinking about the form your task four project will take as one of the assessment criteria points is:

How well you project creatively and technically responds to noticing as a media idea in form

A lot of you talked about doing different edits of your work which I would highly encourage, as it will allow you to see how different ways of ordering or positioning media influences what we notice. Please note that you can submit multiple final projects that allow you and your audience to notice unseen things.



week 11: some questions to reflect on

In last week’s Thursday class I introduced some ideas from some theorists who think about the world as precarious, changing and indeterminate. What I would like you to think about as you draw closer to the end of task four is how your way of noticing might allow you to see some of the complexities of the world. This is the final aim of the studio so it’s important for you to reflect on this on your blogs.

Here are some questions which we’ll talk about in today’s class that might give you some direction:

How might your project evolve in concert with the dynamic environment around you? (Gibson, Changescapes)

What do you think “patchy landscapes,” “multiple temporalities” and “shifting assemblages of humans and nonhumans” might mean? (Tsing, Mushroom at the End of the World)

Does what you’re doing for task four allow you to look around rather than ahead? (Tsing, Mushroom at the End of the World)

Will your task four allow you notice neglected things? What do you think they might be? (Tsing, Mushroom at the End of the World)

If your task four, is about inhabiting a space or noticing in a particular environment, what are the particular qualities of that environment you come to be aware of through simply being there? (Stewart, Atmospheric Attunements)

What will you be tuning into through the making of your project? (Pickering, The Mangle of Practice)

If you tune into something unexpected does your project have the flexibility to adjust? (Pickering, The Mangle of Practice)


what we did: week six

On Wednesday, I answered your questions from week five with this lecture.

Then, I went through some of the specifics of task three. Some things to note…

  • You need to do three iterative cycles of prompt > making > reflecting
  • These cycles need to be documented on your blog and become the portfolio of posts for task three
  • In these posts you should be making connections between your own making and the course’s content (readings, discussion, lectures)
  • A good structure for your week eight pitch is then, now, next:
    • then – what I did in my experiments
    • now – what I have learnt about noticing through these experiments
    • next – how I am going to develop these experiments into a large-scale project about noticing
  • Week seven’s Thursday class will be for individual group consultations. You’ll need to book into a time here.

On Thursday, I talked to you all individually about the development of your recipes. The main thing now is to do your experiments giving yourself enough time to reflect and move iteratively towards ideas for your final project.

We then discussed MacDonald’s Avant-doc reading. We discussed how there is very little difference between what is documentary and what is avant-garde and that this distinction mainly happens in the edit. For instance, H20 becomes a more contemplative exploration of the patterns water makes as opposed to a documentary that might make water its subject matter.

Finally, we did this study of movement exercised based off Ivens’s The Camera and I reading, where he obsessively captures the movements of things.

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