Week 1
N. Katherine Hayles, ‘Hyper and Deep Attention‘
[Extract will be handed out in class – this link is to the full version for those interested]
Week 2
David Gauntlett, ‘Introduction‘ to Making Media Studies
Week 3
Scott McCloud, ‘Blood in the Gutter’
Week 4
Cal Newport, ‘The Clarity of the Craftsman’
Week 5
Michael Rabiger, ‘Conducting and Shooting Interviews’
Week 6
danah boyd, ‘privacy: why do youth share so publicly?’
Week 7
John Berger, ‘Why Look at Animals?’
Week 8
Henry Jenkins, ‘The Night of a Thousand Wizards’
Week 9
danah boyd, ‘Did Media Literacy Backfire?’
Week 10
Theo van Leeuwen, ‘Perspective’
Week 11
Tim Wu, ‘Introduction’ + ‘Epilogue’ to The Attention Merchants