Week#4 lectorial Here are the slide/notes for today’s session on ‘How do we become media practitioners?’. This wraps up the...
Week#3 workshop Here’s what we will be doing and discussing this week. Finishing off Haiku exercise Discussion of this week’s reading...
Assessment Submission Checklist for Week#4 Here is the link to the checklist for the week four submission. Copy and paste the contents in to...
Week#2 Workshop Here’s the schedule for this week’s workshop Reporting on Wk2 Lectorial group exercise Presentation of Project Brief 1 / Learning...
Studio visit booking sheet Here is the link for the booking sheet (as discussed today in class). Descriptions of the media studios in...
Week#2 Lectorial Here are the notes slides for today’s session. Also an e-copy of the worksheet/audit form for today’s exercise around...
Home (Lectorial slides for Wk1) It’s great to get started. Each week I’ll also post any presentation slides and notes from the lectorial. If...