Here are the slide/notes for today’s session on ‘How do we [learn to]become media practitioners?’. This wraps up the first section of the course which has had a focus on the way media is learnt and taught (though the former is the more important term in many ways) here in RMIT’s BComm Media program.
And just reiterate the link to a good RMIT guide on how to go about reflective writing.
And don’t forget about the studio visits – there are still spaces available. Remember it is less about how much the content of the studio appeals to you (at this point in time) but more the opportunity to see an individual studio in action and meet some second and third year students in the program.
(And if you are wondering about the image for this post … it’s from the plans for the new RMIT Media Precinct which is officially being opened next week. Pretty exciting – we are all going to get to play there *very* soon.