Media 1 is where the rubber hits the road as you launch in to your Bachelor of Communication – Media in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University, Melbourne. So welcome and let’s get started.
Our first class is on Wednesday, 1st March at 12.30pm in Building 80.11.10. It is two hours and it is for everybody in the course. Then on Thursday , 2nd March you will have your three hour workshop as per the list below. Please note that you can only secure a place in a particular workshop time by booking it via STS (Student Timetable Service). If you are having problems with doing that contact the Course Coordinator ( as soon as you can. At the moment there are only spaces available in the two Thursday 2.30-5.20pm workshops.
Workshop 1 – Thursday 8.30-11.20, Rm 9.2.15 – Hannah Brasier
Workshop 2 -Thursday 11.30-2.20, Rm 9.2.15 – Liam Ward
Workshop 3 – Thursday 11.30-2.20, Rm 10.7.25 – Brian Morris
Workshop 4 – Thursday 2.30-5.20, Rm 9.2.16 – Hannah Brasier
Workshop 5 – Thursday 2.30-5.20, Rm 13.3.10 – Jeremy Bowtell
Here is the full Course Guide (though you have to be logged in as an RMIT student to access it).
I’ll be using this blog as a central communication point for the course so while you are here go over to the right-hand column and subscribe via your student email so you can keep track of the incoming.
Look forward to meeting you all soon.