materialist mangles

Tag updates


Based on the in class discussion today the outline for the brief 4 has been finalised. Have a look and a close read. Have added the new shared Melbourne – Offenburg folder structure as menu link under the To do… Continue Reading →

Studio 17

17. I think it is 17. I do know it’s a Thursday. Groups curated their work ready for critique from Paul Ritchard and Sophie Langley. Small group discussion: what is one thing you think you have learned so far that… Continue Reading →

Administrative Update

I have made a new submission page for essays. This lets you upload your essay file. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR ESSAY HAS YOUR NAME IN IT. FOR GROUP WORK INCLUDE EVERYONE. You can find the link to the submission page… Continue Reading →

Admin Update 3

Under the ToDos menu the pdf for the critique protocol has been provided. Exchange protocol (what done, when) is now under the Todo menu too.. Have created gallery of the noticing sketches under the home menu. DO NOT TRY TO… Continue Reading →

Admin Updates 2

Updated the photos under the Home menu for food and documenting/scribing Added second brief, it is under the assessments menu.

From the Brown Paper

Q: Isn’t it better (more real) if you don’t edit the blog posts? A: Always depends. In other words there is no black and white answer to this. Sometimes a post is better if edited, sometimes it doesn’t need it…. Continue Reading →

Admin Updates

Under the home menu you will find two new items. These are photos of the schedules for the Thursday afternoon tea and the list of people taking class notes and photographs. There is now a subscription icon at the bottom… Continue Reading →

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