Studio presentation day. VERY IMPORTANT (so felt like Donald Trump yelling that in upper case). Every studio has 8 minutes piece. This may involve a 5 minute section that the students talk over and the other 3 minutes is video… Continue Reading →
Studio Pitch more information via FaceBook. And in the studio blog we have ‘building a history‘ and ‘studio presentations‘ with more information.
For the studio presentation on June 8 a shared GoogleDoc has been set up by Ben (thanks Ben). Please contribute words/sentence to form a list of what you’ve learned or what has mattered for you through this studio. Ecology of… Continue Reading →
June 8 from 2pm. To be followed by a party in the university’s new media precinct. This is where each studio shows what has been done, and you also hear about the studios on offer for semester two. What needs… Continue Reading →
Begin Here Risk Why What you hope to understand maybe, maybe not, this Groups What group from Offenburg did you get? What do you propose to do? How? Why share Personal Films what is it going to be about? (what… Continue Reading →
On Tuesday everyone was invited to write about what they would like to understand or know between now and the end of semester. I’ve collected these. Please read them. You can find them under the Documentings menu.
17. I think it is 17. I do know it’s a Thursday. Groups curated their work ready for critique from Paul Ritchard and Sophie Langley. Small group discussion: what is one thing you think you have learned so far that… Continue Reading →
By the end of today: uploaded your group essay. By the end of Tuesday, have completed the next stage of the exquisite corpse project and uploaded it. For next Thursday’s studio: a third reading from the Renov, Frankham, Shields, Bryant,… Continue Reading →
Mid term is upon us. Reminders. we have deadlines for making and sharing media that is different to submission dates (these steps are needed to get the projects made) in the upload folder is a new folder called Step 2… Continue Reading →
Individual readings are being distributed in Thursday’s studio. These are to have been read by the end of the Easter break. My very strong advice and recommendation is to read your article twice. Most of them are difficult and dense…. Continue Reading →
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