materialist mangles

Tag learning


Elegant list from Ellie, great photo from Samuel who notes that thinking about it is not the same as doing it. Genevieve has a very lovely graph (that it is done so carefully tells you a lot). Louis’ list is… Continue Reading →

Round the Block

Genevieve has an update on participation, particular what matters, and blogging as a habit and Jack has found an illustration about double loop learning.

Love this Nod to Katniss

Touché, lovely nod to Katniss Everdeen by Isobel. Guess that makes me Donald Sutherland then?

What an Essay Does

As promised, read this about the history of the essay. This relates to my comments about essay writing, taking an idea for a walk, and exams. The same model popped up as we listed all that you needed to do… Continue Reading →

Key to the Graph

brainstorm decide equipment write script edit script record voice record location sound edit sound mix sound brainstorm images decide video equipment record images record on location edit video mix video find references do readings take notes plan essay write essay… Continue Reading →

It’s a Wednesday Afternoon, and Surprisingly Hot for March

Might have done this one already, but Joss likes the ability to read each other’s confusions. Nora thinking about the comments she received about her video. Isobel on what she made. Isobel on the Cornell method, it is very useful… Continue Reading →

Miscellaneous is the Biggest Category

Ben on thinking about image and sound and playfulness. Louis on workflows (this is useful and a very good thing to notice about your own practice). Nora had a great moment where her watch found its voice, this is a… Continue Reading →

On Reading

Ben reminding us of what we discussed about how to read. Nice question from Nora. Perhaps the answer is in the very phrase “point of view”. It is a single point, and therefore a single view.

This is my Biggest Life Tip for the Semester

Read this. how to stop flipping. You all do this, pay attention to this.

Why Blog?

Joss, Ben, Jialu, Jack, Cameo, Louis (btw I’ve never thought of blogging as ‘look at me’ but as a way of finding your own voice, FaceBook on the other hand, for me, I struggle with, YMMV), Julia, Yolanda, Lydia, Nora… Continue Reading →

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