materialist mangles

Tag learning

List of Some That Came to Matter

This is my curated list of top blog posts from the semester. Remember, this is my list, so it is not what I think are the most intelligent ones, but the ones I use as (hard) evidence of the ‘soft’… Continue Reading →

Homo Faber

As a teacher I feel like I’m really floundering around in this studio at the moment. I’ve realised that the Offenburg collaboration is interesting, and provocative in all sorts of ways (around ownership, authorship, collaboration, and what Timothy Morton calls… Continue Reading →


Just wanted to follow up after our crit session with Paul Ritchard and Sophie Langley. I was talking with both of them yesterday (in a posthumanism research group – the whacky things we do) and they raised again with me… Continue Reading →

In the Mail

From Offenburg arrives: While groping to define, provisionally and partly, what a particular concept may mean, we gain insight into what it can do. It is in the grouping that the valuable work lies. […] The grouping is a collective… Continue Reading →


Nora wonders about the sort of mesh work her dog is in and makes. Note though, a mesh does not have a centre so your dog (or anything else) is not, cannot, be at its centre. This I find very… Continue Reading →


Louis picks up on my ‘insane’ comment. I can be blunt (harsh, abrupt, direct) can’t I? Pain in the arse too I imagine. I described Louis’ comment as ‘insane’ because in a world of change that you have been gifted… Continue Reading →

What I Need to Find Out

On Tuesday everyone was invited to write about what they would like to understand or know between now and the end of semester. I’ve collected these. Please read them. You can find them under the Documentings menu.

Matters of Concern

Bruno Latour describes matters of concern as a way to recognise diversity and heterogeneity rather than hegemony. He notes that: The discussion [of freeing human actors from only social explanations and to recognise natural objects to be more than just… Continue Reading →

Jump First, Look Later?

Jialu has some great points here about habits and how habits can be a way to think about media and medium. And yes, when blogging or reading or going to the gym becomes a habit it becomes something different. In… Continue Reading →

Oh Groups, Oh Groups

Genevieve has found things relatively pain free so far. I wouldn’t underestimate the time we’ve put in to project plans and the map of your abilities as helping here. Taras’ group had trouble rolling but once going was good, and… Continue Reading →

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