This is my curated list of top blog posts from the semester. Remember, this is my list, so it is not what I think are the most intelligent ones, but the ones I use as (hard) evidence of the ‘soft’… Continue Reading →
This comes via my inbox: But what is it employers want? If we accept the argument that jobs are transforming faster than ever before and many of our graduates will be in jobs that don’t even exist today, how are… Continue Reading →
Nora wonders about the sort of mesh work her dog is in and makes. Note though, a mesh does not have a centre so your dog (or anything else) is not, cannot, be at its centre. This I find very… Continue Reading →
Sharing this as some may be interested in attending, but also because it is an example of how what we’ve been doing is now appearing in lots of different contexts and practices. Screen Studies Seminar Series – Thursday, 18th of… Continue Reading →
An interesting view of innovation and risk: This story has been so widely repeated as to become a cliche. It’s also inaccurate. Contrary to popular belief, entrepreneurs typically make terrible innovators. Left to its own devices, the private sector is… Continue Reading →
In amongst the difficult language is a restating of my comment about what matters is bringing things into new relations (btw he’s talking about concept albums): From the perspective of a process-relational* ecocultural aesthetic, the best art is that which… Continue Reading →
Oh, this is elegant and this, in particular “A determination to be the change”. To use a cliché, sometimes you’re the hammer, sometimes the nail. What is it for you to leave here to become mainly hammer? Then there’s “I… Continue Reading →
We are now in a better position to name that other way to promote human health and happiness: to raise the status of the materiality of which we are composed. Each human is a heterogeneous compound of wonderfully vibrant, dangerously… Continue Reading →
Nora wonders (and this is a really nice question), “what is a platform for a mesh media?” Perhaps the answer is all around us, and is what the internet is, deep down? (That it is being dominated by commercial media… Continue Reading →
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Quiet Gatherings
Mel wins best photo. Great part of Victoria. Sam has another good bullet list from the studio. Nora has a list to worry about. Ben writes about his reflective learning graph. Remember, sharp change in any line = a qualitative… Continue Reading →