Noticings 3
This project is a game of exquisite corpse using sound and video. This task involves you a) giving up some ‘control’ of the outcome of a project to something else (in this case partners in another country), b) an invitation to think differently about the relation of image to sound, c) experiment with documentation practices that use audiovisual time based media to describe (notice) the density of something.
This brief contributes 30% to your overall grade. It is made up of two tasks, a collaborative soundscape and a collective and/or collaborative essay.
Due: Thursday April 27.
- Your group will have received a soundscape.
- You will compile a one minute image track in response to this soundscape. How you respond is up to your group.
- This image track will be added to the original soundscape.
- Your group will then compose an additional 1 minute soundscape and add this to the project.
- The new soundscape is to continue the one you have received. This continuation either extends the listing of the first soundtrack, or takes something from that first soundtrack and expands it with further detail.
- This second soundscape should include words and location recordings.
- The project will be submitted and returned to your partner group
- As a group you have up to 1000 words to discuss and describe what it is, and what it does.
Create a folder. Inside the folder place the audio file of the soundtrack and a document that includes the names of all group participants. The name of the folder must be the project name. The audio file must be named project-name.suffix.
Upload this folder with these two files to the upload folder (available in the menu of the studio blog). You need to be logged in with your RMIT id to be able to do this.
This task involves the following learning outcomes for Media 3
- Investigate, design and produce media at an intermediate level
- Work collaboratively at an intermediate level
This task invovles the following learning outcomes for Media 5
- Research, design and produce media at an advanced level
- Work collaboratively at an advanced level
Written work will be assessed on the basis of:
- ability to describe ways of thinking about the work that thinks of it as a ‘thing’ (an object), where what it means is part of what it is as a thing
- this essay is more like a listing than a traditional essay, so think of each paragraph as discussing a way of thinking what the film-in-progress is
- use of ideas from the readings
- use of evidence from the film-in-progress