This project is a game of exquisite corpse using sound and video. This task involves you a) giving up some ‘control’ of the outcome of a project to something else (in this case partners in another country), b) an invitation to think differently about the relation of image to sound, c) experiment with documentation practices that use audiovisual time based media to describe (notice) the density of something.

This brief contributes 30% to your overall grade. It is made up of two tasks, a collaborative soundscape and an individual essay.

Due: Thursday March 23.
1. The studio requires 7 groups to be formed. (This will be a mix of groups of 3 and 4.)
2. The group chooses one of the follow items or locales as its topic. Whether choosing an item or location it should be very specific:

  • iPhone
  • zoom sound recorder
  • a shot gun microphone
  • a video camera
  • a garden
  • under a tree
  • by water
  • a room

3. You are to make a one minute soundscape that is an ontography (Bogost, Chapter 2) about this item or locale. This soundscape will be a a specific listing of all the individual parts that are part of this item or locale. This listing is to be done in voice (so please write a script/textual listing first, and edit this before recording). This sound track must also use location sound or sound of/from the item.
4. This is an individual essay. It is to be submitted via the Uploads folder (Google) and must be named firstname.lastname. The task:
“Lists of objects without explication can do the philosophical work of drawing our attention toward them with greater attentiveness”. Bogost, Alien Phenomenology, pp. 40-41. Discuss using your item or locale and the soundscape to provide evidence. How does your soundscape draw attention to your item or locale by not explicating? (up to 1000 words)

The Upload folder will have 7 folders, one for each group Inside your group’s folder place the audio file of the soundtrack and a document that includes the names of all group participants. The name of the folder must be the project name. The audio file must be named project-name.suffix.
Upload this folder with these two files to the upload folder (available in the menu of the studio blog). You need to be logged in with your RMIT id to be able to do this.

The essay is submitted as an individual file. Your essay is not to be in the project folder. Please ensure your essay has your name and student number associated with it. Finally, complete the declaration form that is listed under the Uploads menu, or just follow along….

This task involves the following learning outcomes for Media 3
* Investigate, design and produce media at an intermediate level
* Work collaboratively at an intermediate level
This task invovles the following learning outcomes for Media 5
* Research, design and produce media at an advanced level
* Work collaboratively at an advanced level

Individual written work will be assessed on the basis of:

  • demonstrated understanding of what the quote means and implies
  • with specific attention paid to ‘without explication’ (what is this, what does it mean), and ‘greater

  • attentiveness’ (how might lack of explication increase attentiveness about something?)
  • your use of evidence from your soundscape in support of this
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