Trying to work out folders, files and so on is proving confusing. Daniel (Offenburg) has suggested a different way of managing this. It’s a good idea. There are 14 folders, 7 for Offenburg and 7 for Melbourne. All the folders that end in 2 are Melbourne’s. All the folders that end in 1 are Offenburg’s. For us our seven groups will become A, B, C, D, E, F, G (so 1 = A, 2 = B, and so on), so if you were group 1 then your folder will be A2.
Inside each folder is a google doc. In this please add your name as you add media to that folder (so if you were adding the third bit of media to Group D in Offenburg you’d add it to D1 and you’d add your names to the appropriate step.
Also, to keep it simpler (and about relations between parts) we just want individual media files and no stitching. That’s the good news.
The unfortunate part of this is the bad news. Well, not that bad really. But can we please populate the folders with the media that has been made so far as individual media files? So in your home folder the original sound file. (Offenburg will add the video and sound they made in response.) And then the video and sound you made next in the relevant Offenburg folder (that one is in the ‘sister’ folder to your home folder). The third lot of making for Offenburg needs to be in the folder number (group number) you pulled out of the hat….
The final film can be assembled at the end. But it also means we could (in theory), make something out of all the pieces too.
New Folders can be found here, will add links to blog in next day or two….