Dear Adrian:
I have a quick question regarding one of the prompts for the essay.
“1. where what it means is part of what it is as a thing”
I am having trouble with this, as isn’t the point of the subject to detach ourselves from ‘what something means’?
I just feel like the word ‘mean’ is too purposeful… As in to have meaning, means that to some extent a thing must have purpose. Which can’t help me think about applied intersubjectivity. I don’t know. I’m a bit at loss. Do you mind just giving me a quick elaboration on this point?
Dear at a bit of a loss:
the key question is:
As a group you have up to 1000 words to discuss and describe what it is, and what it does
the bit you’ve asked about is me saying that things still have meaning for us, but this is only part of what they are, rather than the be all and end all.
Dear Adrian
Dear Adrian:
I have a quick question regarding one of the prompts for the essay.
I am having trouble with this, as isn’t the point of the subject to detach ourselves from ‘what something means’?
I just feel like the word ‘mean’ is too purposeful… As in to have meaning, means that to some extent a thing must have purpose. Which can’t help me think about applied intersubjectivity. I don’t know. I’m a bit at loss. Do you mind just giving me a quick elaboration on this point?
Dear at a bit of a loss:
the key question is:
As a group you have up to 1000 words to discuss and describe what it is, and what it does
the bit you’ve asked about is me saying that things still have meaning for us, but this is only part of what they are, rather than the be all and end all.
Adrian Miles
Adrian Miles is a Senior Lecturer in New Media and currently the Program Director of the Bachelor of Media and Communication Honours research studio at RMIT, in Melbourne, Australia. He has also been a senior new media researcher in the InterMedia Lab at the University of Bergen, Norway. His academic research on hypertext and networked interactive video has been widely published and his applied digital projects have been exhibited internationally. Adrian's research interests include hypertext and hypermedia, appropriate pedagogies for new media education, digital video poetics, and the use of Deleuzean philosophy in the context of digital poetics. He was the first or second person in the world to videoblog.
April 24, 2017
assessment, essays