In Thursday’s studio we shared our lists of the 20 things we did not know from the readings, and then used these to create a list of the five most significant things that we do not know. These five things were then written up via a google form (the link to these forms are now under the to do menu, and the readings menu). The next step was to create a brief summary of what the reading argued, and why.

There is no class on Tuesday (Anzac Day) and for next Thursday everybody needs to have read the Tim Ingold, as well as a second selection from the readings that you have not already read.

I then offered a summary of why the readings were selected and how they related to what we are doing. This segued into a discussion about industrial and post industrial media . From here we critiqued the completed work that we have made.

General feedback on this work:

  • too broad where the thing being listed is being treated as a whole and not in terms of the parts and relations that make it what it is
  • mix of resolutions is awkward, either be lofi, and make this part of the aesthetic of the work (‘own it’) or be hifi, but not a mix of both
  • scale and distance – be closer, be further away, with your camera, sound recorder, lists
  • texture, aural and visual, your tools let you ‘paint’ not just record, or compose. So think about what the elements are you have to compose with: light, shade, texture, colour, focus, composition, and then what might a list be for sound?

Groups pulled numbers out of a container to see which media from Offenburg is being worked on. These files are available in our shared Google drive.

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