Apparently our brains are made in a way where we don’t see or perceive most of the ‘real’, and: We need to embrace the perceptual power of doubt and the humility that comes with understanding our own brains. It’s about… Continue Reading →
The Ingold I find a fascinating read for two simple reasons. The way he describes the line and the circle and all that falls around and out of that. The line is what film and sound is in technical media…. Continue Reading →
Jialu has some great points here about habits and how habits can be a way to think about media and medium. And yes, when blogging or reading or going to the gym becomes a habit it becomes something different. In… Continue Reading →
By the end of today: uploaded your group essay. By the end of Tuesday, have completed the next stage of the exquisite corpse project and uploaded it. For next Thursday’s studio: a third reading from the Renov, Frankham, Shields, Bryant,… Continue Reading →
This week we were scheduled to do crit sessions to get feedback on the audiovisual work made to date. As there were so few people present at the start of the studio this has been rescheduled to next week, though… Continue Reading →
I have made a new submission page for essays. This lets you upload your essay file. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR ESSAY HAS YOUR NAME IN IT. FOR GROUP WORK INCLUDE EVERYONE. You can find the link to the submission page… Continue Reading →
This reading is from the introduction of Bryant, Levi R. Onto-Cartography: An Ontology of Machines and Media. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014. Print. (PDF)
Cameo spent Easter in hospital with a virus (what was the virus’ point of view here do you think?), reading about bats. With three things as questions not understood. Samuel on Frank Ocean, and more specifically Frank Ocean as a… Continue Reading →
Bit like the old commercial for razorblades (“liked it so much I bought the company”) Ellie has gone and got a copy of Reality Hunger because she enjoyed the reading so much. The section starts at 312 because there are… Continue Reading →
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Yolanda wonders, as I think others did, about Ingold’s claim that: Between mind and nature, persons and things, and agency and materiality, no conceptual space remains for those very real phenomena and transformations of the medium that generally go by… Continue Reading →