How does the Mexico story relate to his philosophy? Correlationist view, humans and the world are inextricably linked, the one never existing without the other – is this because humans have to use consciousness to document? What is the purpose of any of his theories? Object Orientated Ontology, how to make sense of it? Clarity of the term OOO, does it suggest that everything is equal? What makes something a ‘thing’? OOO how can things be at the centre if there is no hierarchy? What is an example of an alien? Is there a hidden communication between animals and humans that we haven’t tapped into yet? Why are these theories being discussed in the first place, what’s the point? How does this relate to our assessment? It is possible to OOO (especially in the case of inanimate objects) without bias or a correlationist view? What if flat ontology? What is tiny ontology? What are unit operations? OOO makes no sense. Do scientific naturalism and social realism = the ultimate ideology?
Interesting mix. Peaks and valleys, tors and troughs. For Tuesday, three questions from Chapter Two of Bogost. I would also think about the essay question as offering a lens to help work out what you want to ask, and why.