You are expected to participate. You define this but they are actions that matter, that become habits. You are expected to document your participation in your blog. As a habit (all the time). How? Let’s find out. What a studio is, what it is to learn, these are too much a ‘black box’ so we are going to lift the lid and have a look inside.
A studio is based on iterative making, sharing publicly what is made, getting feedback on things in the process of their making, and responding to this feedback. All learning is a doing, and studios make this explicit. If you don’t do, you will not learn. Doing = making, writing, documenting, talking, reading, taking notes, photographs, writing down questions, answering your questions by writing answers to them, reading, making notes from the reading (perhaps of favourite passages), writing some more, and reading. Write about what you make, make a lot. Make often. Make quickly and slowly. Plan as well as improvise. How much in your blog? If there aren’t 5 posts a week as a MINIMUM you aren’t doing enough. Why? Ask.
What is your blog called? Why? Who is it for? Why?
Those who’s turn it is to take notes and document a class will do so. Those who’s turn it is to provide snacks, also. We accept this as a responsibility that is shared. You need to read this blog, all the time. Follow the links, read each other’s work, engage with it.
There are no wrong questions. (There are good, and less good, questions.) This studio is interested in what things do