A final word…

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say how proud I was of the presentation yesterday. Showcasing some beautiful work, elegantly articulating our outcomes, and managing to be both playful and professionally slick (and to time!) all at once.

I placed myself where I was in order to record the Q&A, but was so enchanted I forgot!

(If any fellow digital hoarders had their phone out and on video, please share!)

Great to see some of you for a chat afterwards. Fantastic end to a very rewarding studio – thanks so much and please go kick some more ass in Semester 2!

Next time you’ll hear from me will be when the marks are in for the final brief.





Online media opportunity:

Here it is, as I received it 🙂

Do you want to write about Movies, TV, Anime, Arts, Comics, Games,
Literature or other art forms? Do you want to get your foot in the door
and enter the big-wide world of the online media and have your work read
and shared by millions of readers? We invite you to The Artifice:

The Artifice is an online magazine that covers a wide spectrum of art
forms. We do not run The Artifice, you do. The Artifice is collaboratively
built and maintained by your fellow writers. It is structured to let you
focus on the quality of the content while it deals with the exposure of it
to an audience of millions.

Instead of recycling the same entertainment news stories or publishing
commonplace editorials, The Artifice focus on unique topics that are
intellectually stimulating and meaningful.

Our current writers range from undergraduates, to graduates, to emeritus
professors and a bit of everyone in between.

Grab the opportunity and join our team of writers. Join now:

Discounted film tickets: 200 Grams – 1 June

As budding screenwriters/filmmakers, you may be interested in seeing this micro-budget feature film, an example of a 60-minute feature made for $3600 from a cast and crew of less than 10 (with a reportedly positive response from audiences).

200 Grams is about 2 elderly Italian nonnas importing salami, and has a screening 1 June 6.30pm at Cinema Nova. Tickets are only available online at 200grams.com.au. For the discount, use the promo code OIMAMA.
Whether or not you go, as you assemble your projects you might be interested in viewing the press releasecast and crew bio, and poster.
You can also watch a preview here.