Month: July 2016
Georgia, Hannah, Emily, Patrick Wk 1
Weekly Update Schedule
Week 2 Pat Hills, Samantha Antdini
Week 3 Hannah Tepoorteh, Georgia Imfeld
Week 4 Em Wade, Patrick Turbull
Week 5 Isobel Smart, Imogen Bismani
Week 6 Amy Hayley, Justin Palmieri
Week 7 Trong, Chrys Anastasi
Week 8 Nat Pitcher, Jack Connor
Week 9 Reza Sulaeman, Harriet Reid & Lucas Worcester
Reading for guest lecture
Brain Morris is giving a guest lecture about transgression next Friday. Please read this article before his talk, he will be able to answer questions that you might have that arise from the reading.
Link to article:
Week 1 update – Hannah, Georgia, Emily, Patrick
Jack, Reza Nat
Week 1 Update – Pat, Samantha, Imogen & Isobel
How to use Audition
RMIT recommends the use of Audition for audio editing. Here are the tutorials so you can find out how to use it:
Weekly Updates
Where the update goes
Weekly updates should be uploaded by 12 noon on the Monday after your week ends to this site and emailed to Rachel Wilson:
Weekly updates need to be an audio file. I suggest you use soundcloud and link to your soundcloud file in your post. Please include a par of text to intro the audio file and any credits or links relevant for the update. Select the ‘weekly update’ category on the right hand column for your post.
What’s in the update
Updates should include reflection on the listenings/readings and in class exercises. You can include your own voices, excerpts that you feel are relevant, interviews with students, atmos from the class etc etc. The aim is that people from outside of the studio can listen to it, and get a sense of what is happening in the studio. You can be as creative as you like, remember you don’t want to bore your listeners. In fact, as the semester progresses and your skills improve I will expect the later audio updates to more sophisticated than the earlier ones, and i will assess them accordingly.
Duration: 2- 5 mins per update
Please note that updates are included in your final assessment.
In class component
In the Wednesday session of the week your update is about (not the week after), you will both lead a discussion about one of the listening works. You might want to find other works, and share them with the class, that are by the audio-maker, or text interviews and reviews, or you might want to explore a technical or content aspect of the work. It is up to you how you want to lead that discussion. Discussions will flexible in terms of the time we spend on them, but i imagine we will talk as a class for around 15 minutes on the work.