Week 8 Workshop

How did you go with last week’s task?  Are you famous yet?  You probably are.  If not though, that’s ok.  In a course like this, things not working is often as valuable an experience as things working, as long as you reflect on the process and can identify why.   Further to that, no matter how successful you’ve been, let’s try again.


People’s privacy online, and how this has been affected by online affordances.  What do we as content creators need to be aware of, and how do we go about dealing with this issue.


This week, pretty simple.  Make something else for your community (hopefully by now, you’ve determined how and why it is a community).  You can keep some consistency from your last attempt, but for education sake, try something different.

If you’ve been having trouble with this, you can try another resource.  If you’re having no luck whatsoever, this week’s reading should have some useful tips for you to try out.

For next week:

The next part of the course will be devoted to your hypermedia story (what’s that?  We’ll discuss it next week).  You’ll need to form a group of 3-4, so make sure to come to your workshop, have a think about who you might like to work with, and try to cook up a rough concept for an interactive narrative.

Suggested Blog entries

  • You should be getting pretty good at these by now
  • Think about what a hypermedia story might be (thank back to the Landow reading) and come up with a couple of ideas you’d like to explore
  • Find some reference material online that you like – could be a video, site with a particular design/layout, discussion about a particular topic – anything to spark a conversation with your group-to-be.

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