A day with Nick Moore!

More knowledge on Essay Film.

Based on the readings, there are few elements that we need to understand and practice on producing an essay film. What are the most important things that we need to remember when we produce an essay film?

  • Personal point of view of the author
  • Essay film must have WORDS
  • The TEXT represent one point of view
  • Footages – video, pictures, voice of god, sound

So, in this week 4 class (Tuesday) with Nick Moore, he asked us ” What is your topic for your essay film?” – and without noticing it at first that the content we answered was actually the content for our essay film. He stated that everything we told him about our topic will be our essay filmĀ and we just need to produce it in the form of video. After we have received feedbacks from Nick and classmates, we managed to finally decided our ultimate topics for our essay film and documentary. Thus, in this such short period of time to produce an essay film, we have to manage our time wisely with our schedule, edit the essay films with the suitable footages, music , text or voiceover in order to complete the 3-5 minute requirement for our essay film. Also, we gain more knowledge regarding documentary as we need to do the annotated bibliography and we take that assignment as a practice for us to understand more about this studio. Getting feedback from the lecturer, classmates or even people around us regarding the matter is the best thing ever because every people has their own point of view and we could grab that as a help or as a challenge.

Looking forward to the next class.


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