Week 6

This week we are discussing sound design and starting the process of creating our shooting scripts and schedules. With PB 3 looming on the week 7 horizon make sure you are spending time engaging in creative sketching and experimenting. There are plenty of studio activities to get going on. Make them count. Aim them towards your film concept and never stop looking for that single inspired idea that might just pin the whole project together.

We watched videos of Walter Murch imparting his seemingly endless wisdom on the post production process and we analysed some of his work in the films Apocalypse Now (1979) and Rumble Fish (1983). We also looked at David Lynch’s Eraserhead (1977), famed for its foreboding, industrial and dystopian sonic atmosphere. Next week we will pick up on some more examples from these same filmmakers and further scrutinise a complex scene/sound structure.

Can you think of any scenes or films where a strong conceptual sound design is used? Blog about it!

Here are the videos we looked at:



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