Hi everybody,
This blog entry on PhD to Start up? reminds me of what I tried to get across in the doco design studio this semester in terms of bringing design methodologies into the media production process…
With your final k-films – I have introduced you to sketching (keeping the design of something open to multiple ideas and potential external influences)…
in reference to the article below;
# don’t make the k-film from your desk – user test, run it past me, others – keep getting feedback (design is an ongoing conversation) and engagement with the client, the audience the real world…
# and “Don’t be passionate about your idea, be passionate about the problem you are trying to solve”
in this case the prompt you are aiming to address – this is the design problem you have set up for yourselves..
This is where people go back to the habit of fixating on an idea and loosing site of the whole, the context, the brief etc…rather than trying out multiple ideas/sketches to resolve the problem (i.e do a number of interface designs, move the previews around, try different colours in the background etc) chose the one that works best as response to the problem – what you are trying to communicate…get it looking aesthetic then user test…)
# Learn, Build, Validate, Review…and again, and again, and again
so many times I see media students complete their first iteration of a work then call the work finished – what I am seeing is a work at 50% of its potential – follow above and you will improve the work TEN fold (i,e look how far the Drawing Attention work has come in a week!)