Monthly Archives: September 2016

address clarification

So far for this gallery project we are working offline. This means you will get in your browser the (file://) address and the work is pointing back to the folder on you hard drive. This means you are viewing the k-film on your hard drive.

You will only get http:// or https prefix (HyperText Transfer Protocol) when the k-film is published online on the web. To get your k-film on the web you use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer it to a web server.

flash issue

If you get this Korsakow flash error in the browser:

Application.onDomainLoadError: SecurityError: Error #2148

This is the fix from Florian:

Uninstall Flash:

Install the previous version of Flash.
Flash player version that works on Firefox OS X 10.12 –
Archive of Flash Player Versions:

narrative anti-narrative and marginality

A book chapter worth reading in relation to the role narrative plays in new media, which can be applied to k-films and interactive documentary.

Cubitt, Sean. “Spreadsheets, Sitemaps and Search Engines: Why Narrative Is Marginal to Multimedia and Networked Communication, and Why Marginality Is More Vital than Universality.” New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative. Ed. Martin Rieser and Andrea Zapp. London: British Film Institute, 2002. 1–13. Print.