Monthly Archives: July 2016

‘Carrying Home’ theatre production

Our second guest speaker in the studio Shaz Mullens will be taking straight after Shanti on (Tuesday 19 July, 12.30-1.30). Shaz is the Executive Director of Fresh Theatre for Social Change. Shaz directed the theatre production ‘Carrying Home’. We will be working with the video documentation of the performance along with some interviews. In this presentation we will get a chance to learn more about the topic, the play, the production and what was recorded.

ANZAC context

Our first guest speaker on (Tuesday 19 July 11.30-12.30) in the studio is Dr Shanti Sumartojo a Research Fellow in the School of Media and Communication.

Shanti is going to provide some context on the ANZAC topic we are working with this semester. Please read this article ‘On atmosphere and darkness at Australia’s Anzac Day Dawn Service’ by Shanti before the presentation.

An overiew of Shanti’s research interests:

Dr Shanti Sumartojo investigates the relationship between place and identity – specifically how the designed, discursive and experiential aspects of our surroundings affect us.

She researches in three main areas: public memorials and war commemoration, particularly the First World War; art in public space, including collaborations on public installations in Canberra and Melbourne; and the spatial experience of design, primarily understood through the frame of ‘atmosphere’. In addition to her ongoing work on global First World War commemoration and memorials, her current projects include a suite of ethnographic investigations into how people experience the ‘feel’ of designed environments, including their digital and automated aspects; creative practice projects as a means to research urban public space and collectivity; and how spatial aspects of creativity influence innovation.

The brief

In this studio we are exploring the production of a number of experimental interactive documentaries made with Korsakow, which can potentially be exhibited as video installations in an art gallery.

We will be working with some video material recorded by the photographer/videographer Andy Drewitt. Andy was commissioned to make a linear documentary (12-15 minutes) in duration by ArtSpace, Realm that documents a recent theatre performance ‘Carrying Home’. The plan is to present this linear documentary in the ArtSpace during the ANZAC commemoration period in 2017.

The theatre work was produced by the youth theatre group ‘Fresh Theatre’ as part of 2016 ANZAC commemorations. The work ‘Carrying Home’ portrays a non-fiction story about the real life First War World soldier and innovator/designer Bill Scurry who invented the self-firing “drip rifle”.

Our brief is to look at how the video material recorded for the linear documentary, which consists of documentation of the performance and interviews, can be re-purposed into interactive documentary works. The design and production of these interactive works will involve gaining an understanding of the clients brief, the content and how a topic is portrayed in the multilinear structure of a Korsakow film (referred to as a k-film). Included in the design process will be a consideration of the gallery space and how the works are presented.