Key Dates

Key Dates:

15 Aug                        Creation of student / artist groups

26 Aug                        Week 5 Project Brief #2 Due  

15 – 29 Aug                 Research & Project Proposal – research interview face-to-face or phone

24 Aug                        Week 6 Mid Semester Crits.                

16 Sept                        Week 8 Project Brief #3 Due

29 Aug – 12 Sept         Production: Filming Period – one full day or shorter sessions

19 Sept                        PB#3 In Class Presentations

26 Sept – 28 Sept        Post Production: Rough Cuts – Feedback from artists 

10 Oct                         Week 12 Presentation of Completed Video Portraits

12 Oct                         Feedback Artists and Tutor

21 Oct                         Week 13 Project Brief #4 Due

27 Oct                         Studio Presentations

28 Oct                         Week 14 Project Brief #5 Due

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