Practice-based Critical Reflection

This video is useful for thinking about the critical reflection in regards to writing and structuring the report parts of Project 4 and the Portfolio project. Key quote from the video:

“New interpretations of experience to inform practice…”

Notes from the video that can be used to structure a response to the prmpt:

Context – local and global (the parts of the prompt ‘social media’, interactive documentary’, theory and practice examples)
Rationale framing the reflection on practice/the report (this refers to the prompt in some way).

How was the evidence collected? – through a process of engaging in practice and documenting the processes – the event and protoytpe aspects of the project (details of what? and how?)
Journey – timeline/narrative

Critical reflection
Analysis of main features of what took place
Strengths, successes, limitations
Outcomes – probable/possible

“Draw out implications for practice – how is it significant for you and others…?” i.e in this case media practice.
“reflect on the reflection…” “do the implications for practice arrived at make sense?”

Still provide evidence for your claims like a formal essay – i.e references
Do not speculate wildly without some evidence to back up your claims