Kino-Present (collaborative video)

A participatory video project Kino Present. The graphic of the process involved is useful as reference point for visualising projects in the OVE studio.

Kino-Present is an international Quantum Filmmaking project inviting everyone, anywhere and anytime to the co-creation of video-collages, by using domestic web based, wireless and mobile technologies.

To participate you can upload your own 15 second video-clips (Format: 3gp/H.264) or you can send to us full videos or rough footage of any length to:

Once we receive your videos we will be broadcasting them via Bluetooth to the mobile phones of the general public in the public domain, from which they will be uploaded onto the website ready to be edited online.



Project 4 Report notes


For the Project 4 report we worked out the following structure delivered in a separate google-doc, with the link added to the final blog entry that has the final iteration of your prototype documented in it. Also, as a back up the report google-doc link is included in the assessment doc in the Project 4 section with the iteration blog entries and the final video work blog entry.

i.e. For Project 4 in the assessment doc for each student

Iteration 1 Prototype – link to blog entry
Iteration 2 Prototype – link to blog entry
Final Prototype – link to blog entry (included in this entry a link to the report g-doc)
(For back up) The report google doc link

Suggested structure for each student to follow…this is what your teacher will expect when marking the report. The structure is on this g-doc (which you can cut n paste).

Portfolio essay notes


The Portfolio essay (1000 words) is written in a blog entry. In your individual assessment doc it is added as a Portfolio section and has one link to the essay blog entry.


Portfolio essay – link to blog entry

It is personal and more informal that the report. It does not necessarily have a reference list. The Portfolio essay is informed by the key question:

How has my practice changed over the duration of the semester in this studio? What have I learnt?

You would be thinking about all the practices you have engaged with in the studio:

Case Study analysis
Practice-based research (Practice-led research; theory-led research)
Experimental video practices
Reflection – blogging, documenting processes, writing your thinking out, learning how to use reflection to solve issues and problems as they arise in your practice and the research inquiry …

You would be considering how these practices have changed the way you conduct yourself as a media professional. For instance, what did you learn from the sketching process? Did you like it? Was it useful? How would you do it differently next time? These questions could be applied to all the varying activities you have engaged with in the studio.

In this essay written as a blog entry, you would be linking to previous reflection blog entries that you made that demonstrate/back up some of the changes you are discussing.

You could also include a short list of specific blog entries after the essay that you want your teacher to look at, if you cannot link all of them into the essay itself.

Remembering that this essay is being used to summarise the reflections you have made using your blog, over the duration of the semester. The aim is to highlight moments that have been important to you, in relation to using reflection to develop your skills and knowledge as a media practitioner.

It is being used to help your teacher assess the blog category you have created for this studio, and your ability to reflect on your practice.

Studio Activities – Wk 10, Session B

There is only two more weeks of studio sessions left to go, which is 4 sessions. Therefore, make sure you make the most of the time in the studios and bring any questions you have regarding the remaining Project 4, Portfolio briefs and Exhibition in wk 14.

The following notes are for the Wk 10, Session B studio. Check them out in advance and bring any queries you have to the session.

Things to be focusing on:

Project 4:


In regards to finalising your 40% project/prototype to lift things up to the end point of the studio. Keep in mind presenting your outcomes to the whole of the media cohort at the exhibition in week 14. This means working on developing something that you are interested in presenting.

A draft iteration of your prototype – the sooner you get onto making this happen, the easier it will be to refine it for submission and presentation in the exhibition.

Reflections/blog entries/report

Ongoing reflections that accompany each iteration (or other material) associated with the development of your prototype. (these reflections/blog entries – “explain technically how they were made, along with any issues that occurred and how you iteratively responded to problems to progress your practice inquiry”).

Thinking about and preparing your 1000 word report on the final prototype you produce.

A key point to remember is that this report focuses on a response to the studio prompt – so write directly to that question – How can video, computers and the network be used to redefine online video practices? Use your own practice (what you have experienced) making the sketches and prototype, in combination with connections to theory (the readings). A key thing I am looking for here is your own thinking in regards to a response rather than regurgitating the readings. In the short word count aim for one idea and reference a few readings you know well rather than spreading it to thin. Propose an idea and write around it using your practice and the theory as a way to provide evidence… (demonstrate your understanding of your idea in relation to the practice and theory). Include an appropriate bibliography. Think about your reader – provide some context up front i.e. new media, online video practice, narrative/non-narrative, form…what you explored in regards to the online video practice you chose to explore…

Look at the blog entry and video on critical reflection.


The presentation will have the following format ‘Project 4/Prototype Presentation‘. With this format in mind work on refining the title of Project 4 and your probe as you go. Also, think about collecting lots of images of your work-in-progress, as these will be curated into your presentation, and used to demonstrate what you made, and how it works.

Portfolio brief

First of all it is good to be reminded that this Portfolio brief is the only individual assessment item in the studio. A good approach to this task would be to draft an essay before the end of week 12 so you can get feedback from your teacher.

For the Portfolio task – by this point in the semester you would have completed on top of your reflections on each sketch you made for Projects 2 & 3 at least one or more additional reflection blog entries each week. (As discussed at the beginning of the semester and reiterated here in the blog entry PORTFOLIO reflections.

These reflections are described in the Portfolio project brief:

An important part of conducting a professional media practice is the ability to reflect on processes and problems as they occur. This reflection involves learning to articulate thinking using written text, drawings, photos and audiovisual documentation. It is expected that these reflections will be self-initiated and include responses to exercises in the studio.

The expectation to finalise this project is to write a (1000 word essay) in a blog entry that provides a summary of the reflections you have completed. A key objective of this essay is to summarise what you have put forward for this Portfolio project for your teacher. In other words your teacher should be able to use this essay to get a sense of the following:

1. Your ability to reflect on your practice and creative research.
2. An idea of how much work you have put into this project. Have reflections been done regularly each week? Are they articulating thinking as issues and problems arise? Do the reflections consider practice, theory and most importantly developments occurring in the person’s professional practice? Do the reflections go beyond the set course material? Is this student using extra research into practice and theory to clarify what is expected – understand what they are doing? (Therefore, you may write/integrate blog entries into your essay – using quotes and links to those entries).

How is this essay different from the Project 4 report?

It is not as formal in regards to links to theory.

It is more personal in relation to how your own practice has changed through the process of engaging with the studio.

A key objective of this essay is to make links with what has been done (the portfolio blog entries) and use it as a gateway to that work, for your teacher. Your teacher will use this essay as the first point to assess this project and then look at all your blog entries as a secondary point. Therefore, make sure you categorise your OVE studio blog entries and have it set up so it is easy for the teacher to look at what has been done as a whole.

Can I use reflections on sketches to demonstrate my ability to reflect on my practice?

Yes, by all means, if you think some of these reflections provide really useful evidence of your ability to reflect, then include them. But, remember your teacher is also looking for the additional individual reflections you have been asked to complete as part of the Portfolio brief.

Project 4/Prototype Presentation

The presentation for Project 4 in week 12, Session B will have the following format. Each group will be expected to present their creative research in wk 14. This presentation will primarily be used to aid the assessment of this project when it is fully submitted at the end of wk 13.

Presentation format:

With 9 groups each group will have 10 minutes (to duration). A tip would be to use the draft of your report to help prepare this presentation.

Your audiovisual presentation will cover the following:

1. Title (that sets up your project in advance – indicates to the audience what you have worked on…)
2. The question/’design probe’ framing your research. (Which includes your the type of online video practice you are working from…)
3. Evidence/What? Describe your project – what it is (the prototype). how it works. how it was made…
4. Evaluation – a brief overview of the proposition you plan to raise in your report in the evaluation section.

Images/video of your choice in regards to content and number, and what you want to present in...

Practice-based Critical Reflection

This video is useful for thinking about the critical reflection in regards to writing and structuring the report parts of Project 4 and the Portfolio project. Key quote from the video:

“New interpretations of experience to inform practice…”

Notes from the video that can be used to structure a response to the prmpt:

Context – local and global (the parts of the prompt ‘social media’, interactive documentary’, theory and practice examples)
Rationale framing the reflection on practice/the report (this refers to the prompt in some way).

How was the evidence collected? – through a process of engaging in practice and documenting the processes – the event and protoytpe aspects of the project (details of what? and how?)
Journey – timeline/narrative

Critical reflection
Analysis of main features of what took place
Strengths, successes, limitations
Outcomes – probable/possible

“Draw out implications for practice – how is it significant for you and others…?” i.e in this case media practice.
“reflect on the reflection…” “do the implications for practice arrived at make sense?”

Still provide evidence for your claims like a formal essay – i.e references
Do not speculate wildly without some evidence to back up your claims

Studio Activities – week 9, Session B

strong>Project 4 probes and what the group plans to produce should be in place to proceed with making the prototype. If there is still confusion then blog entries should be produced for discussion in the week 9 – Session B studio.

With only 4 weeks to go until submissions groups should be starting with the production of their prototype. This could be planning (drawings) on paper, schematic diagrams (digital), wireframes and some preliminary tests and explorations. All this material is valuable in regards to sharing with the studio group for feedback.

Time in this studio session can also be used for group progress discussion, planning and making.

Portfolio project

The aim is to review the progress on this project – to provide an indication of how students are progressing towards the submission in week 13. This involves:

i. Sharing as a group what people have been doing on their blogs.
ii. Raising questions about what is expected in relation to the assessment.
ii. Devising a list of things that could be done to improve this project for assessment

Studio Activities – Session B, wk 8

Debrief Project Three.
Changes to probes/directions for Project 4 in regards to panel feedback.
Clarification of terms.
Sketching as a process – How did it work well? How did it not work well?

Project 4 workshop – details and questions.
Group plans/schedule for design and producing the Project 4 Prototype.

Portfolio project – review and revision.