The chasing tool. “That you can talk with the material.”
Ideas 3
In praise of a glass. Note the use of ‘list’.
Ideas 2
Portrait of a quarry.
Ideas 1
Chairs. As things, objects, practice, ideas, material thinking.
An Unstudio
While the teacher was away, the students will play. They discussed where they are up to, then chose one quote, and discussed it. This is, so far, the best thing this studio has created. Chapeau those who where there. TheRead more…
Recommended about ANT
This is an essay I found recently that uses Latour’s actor-network theory in relation to documentary. I haven’t finished reading it, but the first few pages where they talk specifically about actor-network theory – what it is and how itRead more…
I Feel Like A Parent Here, Which Is Not Right
Ai Vee was taking notes for today, and I’ll provide a bit more for the missing class, but yep, self managed, and I am suggesting the first hour discussing what you understand yourselves, by the terms tiny ontology, ontograph, andRead more…
Donna Haraway and the Anthropocene
Donna Haraway, who was very well known for her cyborg manifesto many years ago is now heralded as one of the most important early theorists of the new materialism we are playing with. The quote here on Mez Breeze’s blogRead more…
What do you want to make? (What sort of thing?) What about? An ontograph about a film? An idea? An ontograph using a film? An album? A TV show? A song?
Paris started dissecting some headphones for her ontograph.