The blurb for Perec’s An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris: One overcast weekend in October 1974, Georges Perec set out in quest of the “infraordinary”: the humdrum, the non-event, the everyday–“what happens,” as he put it, “when nothingRead more…
Ideas 11
Gallery of Interactive Student Films
An incomplete gallery of student interactive films made using Korsakow is available.
The recent library of Babel is an intriguing project. It uses a fictional work (Borges’ famous “The Library of Babel”) that describes a library that contains every all books that had been, have been, and will be written. It describesRead more…
Ideas 10
This is a blog post by a PhD student of mine, Hannah Brasier. Maya Deren (for example Meshes of the Afternoon) was a dancer who moved into experimental cinema. I like the quote because last week we talked about theRead more…
Roger Ackling. The coat hanger is beautiful. Found timber, then a magnifying glass to etch the timber. Constraints: found objects, sunlight, instrument can’t directly touch the material. This is particularly beautiful when you know the rules of the game. MoreRead more…
Ideas 9
In the class I briefly showed the opening and closing of The Searchers running next to each other. This was to discuss how looking at what something does can tell you a lot about what it means, rather than puttingRead more…
Ideas 8 (or more like 7.2)
This next task can be thought of as an ‘opening out’, an collecting of things. It is deliberately broad and is intended to get a big pile of stuff together to help shape what the major work will be. SoRead more…
Ideas 7
After the minor impasse in week 6 of wondering what to make, we can turn that around. Things got stuck by putting image making first, as if that needed to be primary. But that’s silly (and just one of thoseRead more…
Ideas 6
Fire, rethought.