The Crits

We had a panel of three (Paul Ritchard, Patrick Kelly, and Andrea Rassell). People presented, and received questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, prompts and criticism. I hope you each made notes of what was said. Monique has documented it, paying attention to how the work might use text and language. Isabelle has returned from some I suspect regular peregrinations to follow some ideas again. Welcome back. Thomas has made a good list of what he’s done, what happened, and what might be next. I think Mason’s Researching Your Own Practice: The Discipline of Noticing. London: Routledge, 2002 is something that would help here. Carl notes the panel’s feedback and now needs to think through how to do the soundtrack – commentary, narration while rambling, or something else? Simplest way to solve this, do a bit of each and show it in class. Ai Vee has found a source quote to wonder with and to orientate her work around. Here the idea is not the quote to explain or answer, but to be part of the listing, ontograph, density, a leaping off point not an accounting for conclusion.