What I Enjoyed

This is a list of quotes that were enjoyed from Chapter One of Ian Bogost’s Alien Phenomenology (think of it as a list of a list):

  • Quentin Mellassoux has coined the term correlationism to described this view, one that holds that being exists only as a correlate between mind and world. If things exist, they do so only for us.
  • The second ontological system operation of our time, social relativism, descends from the humanistic and social scientifuc traditions.
  • Can machines think?
  • They do not exist just for us..
  • In short, all things equally exist, yet they do not exist equally.
  • All of these sorts of being exist simultaneously with, yet independently from, one another.
  • An imbruglio is an intellectual kind of predicament, a muddle to be sure, but a muddle wearing a monocle.
  • Theories of being tend to be grandiose, but they need not be, because being is simple.
  • The spectacular is real insofar as it actually comprises aspects of culture.
  • He suggests that objects do not relate merely through human use, but through any use, including all relations between one object and any other
  • We’ve been living in a tiny prison of our own devising, one in which all that concerns us are the fleshy beings that are our kindred and the stuffs with which we stuff ourselves
  • Speculative realism is an event rather than a philosophical position