Back of Envelope Notes

A field guide too….
Letters from….
A list of ….

Lars von Trier, the dogma manifesto and the five obstructions.

  1. things have FACETS
  2. these facets are ‘called’ by other facets
  3. we see some facets of things only
  4. therefore we only ‘see’ parts of things
  5. things are all of these facets (then, now, to be)
  6. these facets does not equal the thing, just how other things see the thing
  7. facets constitute (are) relations
  8. relations are (make) networks
  9. nonfiction (not documentary, that’s already too far involved in very specific matters of concern) is about ways to address the world creatively to make knowledge claims about the world
  10. if things have facets then stories are one small set of possible facets (as is meaning)
  11. how can we make creative nonfiction that addresses the world that is able to think with facets?

Got lost in the effort of thinking about the doing. How will we make something that becomes showing, revealing, these facets? What are the facets of a view? An animal? A face?

Ways to evacuate explicit content so that the works become about the idea of (a view, movement, cat). These are procedural rules which is where the rules come first (reality TV mentioned in relation to this). this is the unstated (implicit and tacit but no one really tells you) mode of online media making – we build architectures (which we can think of as choreographies for possible actions). So a possible next step for your projects could be to get someone else to repeat what you did (someone else does a 100 views, 100 portraits), so you define a architecture, test it, and let others use it?