Bogost 01

Bogost, Ian. “Ontography: Revealing the Rich Variety of Being”, Alien Phenomenology, or What It’s Like to Be a Thing. Minneapolis: University Press of Minnesota, 2012. (via RMIT account)

This is difficult reading, if only because it is not, at first blush, obviously media studies, cinema studies, or media production. Do read it all the way through, and to help learn how to read things like this, think of three questions you want to ask it. These questions might be about a term, claim, idea. They might be about its tone. They certainly won’t be wrong questions (though a key thing to learn how to do, and it is something that can be learned, is what makes a good question and how to use them).

If what we read and do doesn’t prompt questions in and of us, we risk confusing education with instruction.