As I thought might happen, Michael got caught in trying to tech-solve Flash. And the suggestion of using Flash as the basis for an ontograph is a good one. It’s an interesting history particularly in relation to its technical andRead more…
I Feel Like A Parent Here, Which Is Not Right
Ai Vee was taking notes for today, and I’ll provide a bit more for the missing class, but yep, self managed, and I am suggesting the first hour discussing what you understand yourselves, by the terms tiny ontology, ontograph, andRead more…
Presenting an Ontograph
When talking to your ontograph (5 minutes, there will be a timer), answer/discuss: What is it about? What is it doing? What do you think it shows? What has your thing now become? Is it different to what it wasRead more…
Ontographing, the Verb
Ai Vee has some nice shots of her ontograph in process. Carl has a list of what needs to be done on Wednesday. Monique realises she’s a visual learner (I think we all learn by doing, whether that is writing,Read more…
Donna Haraway and the Anthropocene
Donna Haraway, who was very well known for her cyborg manifesto many years ago is now heralded as one of the most important early theorists of the new materialism we are playing with. The quote here on Mez Breeze’s blogRead more…
What do you want to make? (What sort of thing?) What about? An ontograph about a film? An idea? An ontograph using a film? An album? A TV show? A song?
Paris started dissecting some headphones for her ontograph.
What I Enjoyed
This is a list of quotes that were enjoyed from Chapter One of Ian Bogost’s Alien Phenomenology (think of it as a list of a list): Quentin Mellassoux has coined the term correlationism to described this view, one that holdsRead more…
Intrigue, They Said
A list of quotes that intrigued us from chapter one of Bogost’s Alien Phenomenology. To proceed as a philosopher today demands the rejection of correlationism. To be a speculative realist, one must abandon the belief that human access sits atRead more…
What Troubled Me
A list of quotes from Bogost’s Alien Phenomenology, Chapter One, that caused troubles. From the perspective of cultural theory instead of philosophy, the OOO strain of speculative realism might bear some resemblance to more familiar arguments against anthropocentrism (such asRead more…